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Donate Now

One Time or Recurring Donation

Donate an amount of your choice to IPF.

$20 Month Club ($240 annually)

Support IPF each month with a gift of $20.

Sponsor a Seminarian ($150/month; $1,800 annually)

Help cover the gap between the cost of the program and the amount IPF is able to charge for tuition, fee, room and board.

Sponsor a Spiritual Director ($200/month; $2,400 annually)

Help us cover the costs of providing Spiritual Direction for program participants.

Saint John Paul II Fund

Honor a special priest in your life and at the same time support the mission of IPF by making a memorial donation to this Fund in his name. A distinct account will be established and when the account reaches the $5000.00 level, his name will be added to the beautiful Pope John Paul II Fund plaque. All honored priests and donors are listed in the Book of Remembrance and are invited to an annual celebration Mass and luncheon.

Check/Money Order Option

Please send your check or money order to:

The Institute for Priestly Formation
11626 Nicholas Street
Omaha, NE 68154

Questions about donations?

Phone Kim at 402-280-3905
