Spiritual Director, Mrs. Trudy McCaffrey, will be available at Broom Tree Retreat Center, Irene, SD to direct priests for a silent retreat.
Each retreatant has his own room with private bathroom, queen bed, dresser, recliner, and writing desk. The Adoration Chapel in the Retreat Center is open 24 hours a day as well as Sts. Isidore & Maria Chapel (the little white church on the hill nearby). An exercise room is available in the Retreat Center, and there is a walking/running path on the property. The daily schedule includes meals, Mass, and Holy Hour. The director will set a time for spiritual direction each day. The rest of the time is spent in individual prayer. The cost for meals and lodging is $115/day. The director’s stipend is $350. Sales and tourism tax of 5.7% will be added to the total invoice.
For more information, visit the website for the Broom Tree Retreat Center, www.broom-tree.org, call their office at 605-263-1040 or send an e-mail to broomtree@sfcatholic.org.