The Institute for Priestly Formation Annual Fund supports IPF’s yearly operational costs. Tuition to attend IPF programs covers 60%-65% of the total operating revenue. The remaining amount is raised through special events, publications, appeals, and generous gifts. Your gift to the IPF Fund helps us bridge the gap to support the programs and mission of IPF.
Your participation makes a huge difference allowing seminarians, priests, bishops, and faculty to participate in the Seminarian Summer Program, Spiritual Direction Training Program, and retreats for clergy. Your contribution to the IPF Fund directly supports the operations budget for the current fiscal year.
For more information contact:
Mary Buttell
Fiscal Year Gifts to the IPF Fund are recognized in the fiscal year in which they are received. IPF’s fiscal year begins January 1, and ends December 31. The Institute for Priestly Formation Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt entity. All donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law. When making a gift the legal name is Institute for Priestly Formation or Institute for Priestly Formation Foundation.